Toronto Smalltalk User Group

We are an informal group of Smalltalk enthusiasts. 

Last meeting is Monday, January 6

We are changing meetings from a scheduled Smalltalk-centric meeting to ad-hoc multi-group meetings, where we look to coordinate with other technology groups in order to exchange insights. Everyone is encouraged to reach out to other groups to see if they would be interested. 

Also, we will stop using Meetup due to cost and limited visibility. Even though the group has over 360 members, only six to eight attend meetings. Other Smalltalk groups, like Pharo and GT, use Discord, so join the TSUG Discord channel (invite link) and post suggestions and comments. 

For those interested in regular online Smalltalk meetings, consider joining the Meetup UK Smalltalk User Group

Meeting schedule. 

We are using Meetup until it expires in June.